Diabetes has become a global health problem and is now considered a pandemic

Our goal:
Develop a solution that collects data from smart devices, processes these in a data cloud, and on the basis of advanced models visualizes the data in an actionable way.
By doing so, we aim at supporting clinicians and empower people living with type 2 diabetes to improve treatment outcomes and quality of life.
Our goal is to develop a solution that collects data from smart devices, processes these in a data cloud, and on the basis of advanced models visualises the data in an actionable way to people living with type 2 diabetes and their clinicians.
Our goal is to develop a solution that collects data from smart devices, processes these in a data cloud, and on the basis of advanced models visualises the data in an actionable way to people living with type 2 diabetes and their clinicians.
“I can see a metric that gives me a clear understanding of how the patient is taking their medication. This reflects glucose data and when doses were administered.
The data are visualized in a meaningful way with additional information where I am used to viewing
the patients’ data.”
“I open the platform during a patient consultation to understand my patient’s blood glucose readings and try to offer advice where to help. The platform provides a basal and bolus recommendation to me. If I agree with the recommendation, I will discuss it with my patient.”
“When I am unsure of which treatment regimen I should start my patients on, I provide them with a fully automated closed-loop system consisting of an insulin pump and continuous glucose monitor. The system takes care of identifying the needs of the individual patient and provides me with a basal and bolus recommendation. If I agree with the recommendation, I will discuss it with my patient.”
Have an overview of your disease and data
Have meaningful discussions with your specialist
Decode the complexity of the treatment
Forskere fra tre universiteter – Aalborg Universitet, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet og engelske University of Cambridge – sætter nu gang i et nyt studie med de digitale insulinpenne, som ifølge Novo Nordisk bliver centrale i konkurrencen på fremtidens diabetesmarked.
Nuværende status på forskningsprojektet (September 2021) er, at DiaMonT-studiet er begyndt, og de første fem deltagere er i gang. Flere af projektparterne er gået i gang med at udvikle algoritmer baseret på historiske data, som herefter kan videreudvikles på data fra DiaMonT-studiet.
In this open-label randomized controlled trial patients with T2D on insulin therapy will be randomized to a telemonitoring group (intervention) and a usual care group (control). The telemonitoring group will use various devices at home. Hospital staff will monitor their data for a period of…